Thursday, November 8, 2012

After Sandy: The Cleanup Begins

Hurricane Sandy left devastation all up and down the Eastern Seaboard this month. Some areas were hit harder than others, but the damage was done every. Homes, buildings, boats, beaches and businesses all sustained damages from the gale-force winds and rising flood waters. Some lost everything, while others were miraculously only hit with minor damage.

And now the cleanup begins. Cleanup efforts will be slow, however, seeing as how much of the equipment, gasoline, food, water, and power were also wiped out in the storm. Add to this a strong Nor'easter storm following right behind Sandy that promises to hamper cleanup efforts even further.

In the West, many Americans are doing their part to aid in the efforts in whatever way they can. This includes sending donations of money, goods, food and water, toiletries, and basic necessities to help those that are still left with literally only the shirts on their backs.

Many companies too are joining the efforts, sending construction equipment, electrical technicians, manpower, roofing products, and other materials that will be needed to start getting the energy grid up and running again, and the rebuilding effort jump-started.

For more information on what supplies are needed, and more information on the rebuilding efforts visit the official FEMA page designated for this disaster at:

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